воскресенье, 25 ноября 2018 г.

Международный день борьбы с наркозависимостью. Борьба со злоупотреблением наркотическими средствами и их незаконным оборотом в мире

Международный день борьбы с наркозависимостью. Борьба со злоупотреблением наркотическими средствами и их незаконным оборотом в мире

Как определить наркомана. Признаки и симптомы наркомании.

Как определить наркомана. Признаки и симптомы наркомании.

Девиантное поведение наркоманов

Всякое поведение, вызывающее неодобрение других людей, называется девиантным. Это очень широкий спектр явлений – начиная от безбилетного проезда в автобусе и заканчивая убийством человека.  Если говорить точнее, девиантом является любой человек, отклонившийся от нормы или сбившийся с пути истинного.
К видам или формам девиантного поведения относят алкоголизм, наркоманию, уголовную преступность, проституцию, азартные игры, гомосексуализм, психические расстройства, суицид. Девиантное поведение наркоманов

суббота, 24 ноября 2018 г.

Реабилитационные центры для наркоманов, как выбрать

Реабилитационные центры для наркоманов, как выбрать

Что такое наркотическая ломка: симптомы и снятие ломки

Что такое наркотическая ломка: симптомы и снятие ломки

Программы саморазрушения

Программы саморазрушения

Деградация наркозависимых. Как меняется мировоззрение у наркомана

Деградация наркозависимых. Как меняется мировоззрение у наркомана

суббота, 12 мая 2018 г.

Sugar addiction. Sweet killer.

Sugar addiction. Sweet killer.

What is Jarzebiak. Use of Jarzebiak and consequences.

What is Jarzebiak. Use of Jarzebiak and consequences.

What is Jagertee. Jagertee use and consequences.

What is Jagertee. Jagertee use and consequences.

What is schnapps. The use of schnapps and consequences.

What is schnapps. The use of schnapps and consequences.

What is Chacha. Chacha use and consequences.

What is Chacha. Chacha use and consequences.

What is Cynar. The use of Cynar and consequences

What is Cynar. The use of Cynar and consequences

пятница, 11 мая 2018 г.

What is Hanshin. The use of Hanshin and the consequences.

What is Hanshin. The use of Hanshin and the consequences.

What is Fenny. Consumption Fenny and consequences.

What is Fenny. Consumption Fenny and consequences.

What is Ouzo. Consumption of Ouzo and consequences.

What is Ouzo. Consumption of Ouzo and consequences.

What is mulberry vodka. Use of Artsakh and consequences.

What is mulberry vodka. Use of Artsakh and consequences.

What is tequila. Use of tequila and consequences.

What is tequila. Use of tequila and consequences.

четверг, 10 мая 2018 г.

What is Starka. Starka use and consequences.

What is Starka. Starka use and consequences.

What is soju. Use of soju and consequences.

What is soju. Use of soju and consequences.

What is Shochu. Use of Shochu and its consequences.

What is Shochu. Use of Shochu and its consequences.

What is moonshine. Consumption of moonshine and consequences.

What is moonshine. Consumption of moonshine and consequences.

What is Raki. Use Raki and consequences.

What is Raki. Use Raki and consequences.

What is Rakija. Use of Rakija and consequences.

What is Rakija. Use of Rakija and consequences.

What is Pisco. Use of Pisco and consequences.

What is Pisco. Use of Pisco and consequences.

воскресенье, 6 мая 2018 г.

What is pastis. Use of pastis and consequences.

What is pastis. Use of pastis and consequences.

What is orujo. Use of orujo and consequences.

What is orujo. Use of orujo and consequences.

What is Ogogoro. Ogogoro consumption and consequences.

What is Ogogoro. Ogogoro consumption and consequences.

What is Metaxa. Consumption of Metaxa and effects

What is Metaxa. Consumption of Metaxa and effects

What is mescal. The use of alcohol and consequences.

What is mescal. The use of alcohol and consequences.

What is maotai. Use maotai and consequences.

What is maotai. Use maotai and consequences.

What is Lambanog. Consumption of Lambanog and consequences

What is Lambanog. Consumption of Lambanog and consequences

What is kumyshka. Use kumyshka and consequences.

What is kumyshka. Use kumyshka and consequences.

What is cognac. The use of cognac and consequences.

What is cognac. The use of cognac and consequences.

суббота, 5 мая 2018 г.

What is cachaça. The use of cachaça and consequences.

What is cachaça. The use of cachaça and consequences.

What is kirschwasser. The use of Kirsch and consequences.

What is kirschwasser. The use of Kirsch and consequences.

What is Calvados. The use of Calvados and consequences.

What is Calvados. The use of Calvados and consequences.

What is genever. Use of jenever and consequences.

What is genever. Use of jenever and consequences.

What is Jin. Gin consumption and consequences.

What is Jin. Gin consumption and consequences.

What is Grappa. Consumption of Grappa and consequences.

What is Grappa. Consumption of Grappa and consequences.

What is vodka. Vodka consumption and consequences.

What is vodka. Vodka consumption and consequences.

What is whiskey. Use whisky and consequences.

What is whiskey. Use whisky and consequences.

What is Williams. Williams ' use and consequences.

What is Williams. Williams ' use and consequences.

среда, 2 мая 2018 г.

вторник, 1 мая 2018 г.

What is Bambuze. Use of Bambuze and consequences.

What is Bambuze. Use of Bambuze and consequences.

What is Armagnac. The use of Armagnac and consequences.

What is Armagnac. The use of Armagnac and consequences.

What is Arak. Use of Arak and consequences.

What is Arak. Use of Arak and consequences.

What is Angostura. Use of Angostura and consequences.

What is Angostura. Use of Angostura and consequences.

What is aquavit. Use of aquavit and consequences.

What is aquavit. Use of aquavit and consequences.

воскресенье, 29 апреля 2018 г.

Ephedrine, ephedrine use and consequences

Ephedrine, ephedrine use and consequences

Musical drugs, digital plague.

Musical drugs, digital plague.

Fentanyl, fentanyl use and consequences

Fentanyl, fentanyl use and consequences

Captagon, the use of fenetylline and consequences

Captagon, the use of fenetylline and consequences

Tramadol, tramal use and consequences

Tramadol, tramal use and consequences

Spice: composition, effect of spices on the body, treatment of dependence on Smoking mixtures

Spice: composition, effect of spices on the body, treatment of dependence on Smoking mixtures

The phencyclidine (PCP), the use of angel dust and the effects

The phencyclidine (PCP), the use of angel dust and the effects

Psilocybin, use of psilocybin and the effects of psilocybin mushrooms

Psilocybin, use of psilocybin and the effects of psilocybin mushrooms

Opium, use of opiates and consequences

Opium, use of opiates and consequences

Oxycodone, oxycodone use and consequences

Oxycodone, oxycodone use and consequences

Nicotine, nicotine use and consequences

Nicotine, nicotine use and consequences

Morphine the use of morphine and the effects

Morphine the use of morphine and the effects

суббота, 28 апреля 2018 г.

Methylphenidate, use of ritalin and the effects

Methylphenidate, use of ritalin and the effects

Methadone, use of methadone and the consequences

Methadone, use of methadone and the consequences

Tenamfetamine (MDA), the use of mda and consequences

Tenamfetamine (MDA), the use of mda and consequences

Mescaline, peyote use and effects Peyote

Mescaline, peyote use and effects Peyote

Ecstasy (MDMA), the use of Extasy, and the consequences

Ecstasy (MDMA), the use of Extasy, and the consequences

Ecstasy (MDMA), the use of Extasy, and the consequences

Ecstasy (MDMA), the use of Extasy, and the consequences

Mandrax, mandrax use and effects

Mandrax, mandrax use and effects

пятница, 27 апреля 2018 г.

LSD the use of LSD and effects

LSD the use of LSD and effects

Hemp, cannabis use and consequences

Hemp, cannabis use and consequences

Cocaine, cocaine use and consequences

Cocaine, cocaine use and consequences

Codeine, codeine use and the effects of codeine

Codeine, codeine use and the effects of codeine

Tianeptine, use of Tianeptine and its consequences

Tianeptine, use of Tianeptine and its consequences

Ketamine, ketamine use and effects

Ketamine, ketamine use and effects

четверг, 26 апреля 2018 г.

Cathinone (Cat, Cath), Methcathinone, use of cations and consequences

Cathinone (Cat, Cath), Methcathinone, use of cations and consequences

Nitrous oxide, the use of laughing gas and the consequences

Nitrous oxide, the use of laughing gas and the consequences

DOB, DOM, DOC, DOI.Consumption of 4-substituted 2,5-dimethoxyamphetamine and effects

DOB, DOM, DOC, DOI.Consumption of 4-substituted 2,5-dimethoxyamphetamine and effects

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), the use of DMT and the effects

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), the use of DMT and the effects

Designer drugs. New drug. The danger of hybrid drugs

Designer drugs. New drug. The danger of hybrid drugs

среда, 25 апреля 2018 г.

Vicodin, use of Vicodin and effects

Vicodin, use of Vicodin and effects

The drug Krokodil. Desomorphine, the use of desomorphine and the consequences.

The drug Krokodil. Desomorphine, the use of desomorphine and the consequences.

What is butyrate, butyrate consumption and consequences.

What is butyrate, butyrate consumption and consequences.

Benzodiazepines, use of benzodiazepines and effects

Benzodiazepines, use of benzodiazepines and effects

The barbiturate, the use of barbiturates and consequences

The barbiturate, the use of barbiturates and consequences

Amphetamine and methamphetamine, amphetamine use and effects

Amphetamine and methamphetamine, amphetamine use and effects